Friday, February 16, 2007

Dear Friends,

Deeper down the rabbit hole we go. Deeper into the matrix of ourselves we go. Deeper into the agendas, deeper into the wounds, deeper into self-denial and the abdication of total personal responsibility.

Life presents us with many mirrors. We must look and not shrink from that which is reflected. Only a total, brilliant honesty will get you through now. Nowhere left to hide. The light expands, the light expands, the light expands.

Just what is your agenda? Whose agenda is it? How shall it manifest? Is there something that requires overturning within you so that you can see, hear and feel the inner workings of your agendas?

Time warps and weaves, and the different parts of ourselves – and our histories – move in and out of view. An enormous, coordinated reweaving and recalibration taking place into pure integrity and authenticity.
Breathe. This is the most sublime dance.

These pages have mentioned the need for centering in messages gone past, and however you centre yourself, do it – for the accelerating expansion of consciousness feels like losing consciousness as the boundaries of thought dissolve, and the boundaries between self and other along with it. We are one, we are one, we are one.
Everything is being juiced up now. Everything is being amped up and magnified so that you can see without self-denial and self-deception – and you create yourself anew.

The solar flares pass through us, enervating our DNA, calling us to the remembrance of all our lost selves, all our surrendered power and sovereignty, all our judgments, all our constructs. Our radical, unencumbered, uninhibited selves emerge and breathe in the solar wind.

The responsibility of choice weighs heavily if you are afraid. The responsibility of choice means nothing when you are in denial of your sovereignty. The necessity to face the shadow self and come out of denial are mandatory now. Move quickly. Your abdication no longer works, if it ever did. Let go, let go, let go your abdication.
To what god, guide or angel have you given your power? Wake up. Wake up into your sovereignty and truly anchor that this has been your movie all along. Understand that all occurs by agreement. Wake up and understand that you are the Director and your gods, guides and angels are players, same as you. Players in a round table of blistering talent. Wake up.

We have suffered a collective amnesia and have created the gods who will punish, the gods who will save, the gods who will serve. The creations of your own perceptions.

But the denial is being dissolved. The stories – your stories – are being revealed. The god within comes forth, like Lazarus from the grave. A new world beckons, the crop circles appear, the icecaps melt, the volcanoes spew. Source is calling your name and everything begins anew.

What is your sublime name? Who are you? What breathes?

We are talking here about entering into Deep Relationship with Source, with the Unified Field, with Oneness, with Self. We are talking here about the undertaking of Sacred Action using the exquisite gift of the Law of Attraction. Deep Relationship and Sacred Action give rise to regeneration and rebirth in this Sacred Time.

This year the veils and the glamour shall be removed from egocentric pursuit. The blinders and reasons also of not engaging the Law, of holding back. All agendas – whatever they may be – will be seen for what they are: the past.
Yes, whom have these agendas been feeding and serving – and for what purpose. You will see your shadow and you will be required to let go.

Deeper we go, friends. Deeper we go.

Blessings and Peace,
Fatima x

Diamond Consciousness

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Dear Friends,

Welcome to 2007, to our collective deepening into the Mayan Calendar’s Fifth Day and to increasingly conscious recognition of ourselves as the Co-Creators of all our experiences!

Look around you and see the fruits of your thoughts. Look around you most carefully and astutely, with deep responsibility for all your outcomes and experiences. Drink in the understanding that you are the Director of how you create and navigate your creations – and that you always have been, right from the very beginning.

This is a most crucial time in our awakening to total personal responsibility. A total personal responsibility that extends to healing what was, to creating and scripting the new, to being in Presence and to releasing all outcomes to Universal Oneness and Flow. We are called upon to be Impeccable Masters of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies as never before, knowing that our ignorance or lack of mastery still creates results – just not the ones we wish to experience.

The coming New Moon in Capricorn on 19th January reminds us of our responsibilities to self and to others. Quoting from the marvelous Astrologer, Stephanie Austin:

“It’s the end of blame and shame; we instead assume complete responsibility for our lives and are not detoured or immobilized by what others think. It’s the end of the victim game; we stop abdicating our power and projecting it onto our partner, boss or government. It’s also the end of guilt; we no longer feel liable for what is not within our power. There is no free lunch; we must feed ourselves. We must take responsibility for creating the conditions that will continue to support our real work.”

We are living during extraordinary times indeed, with many changes, endings and beginnings happening in many areas of our lives simultaneously. I urge you all to look at your lives in great, minute detail, and to where you are abdicating power, free will and sovereignty. To where you are projecting your pain or blockages outside yourself into your environment. To where you are deceiving yourself that the power is not in your hands.
It’s time to get absolutely real with what you are doing with your thoughts.

Just where are you abdicating? Where have you surrendered power? Are you waiting for permission? From where, exactly, does permission come? Whose permission are you seeking? Is it God’s, your partner’s, your Guides, your bank account’s? Remember, all of these live in your own consciousness and their truths are relative according to your level of consciousness.

If you are unhappy or unsatisfied in any way, ask yourself why you have created the circumstance. Perhaps you’ve even made a habit of creating it over and over again. Are you punishing yourself in some way? Have you not truly embraced forgiveness of yourself and others? Is it safer for you to blame others? Are you hiding?

Go on, take a look at how you really feel. Yes, what’s under all the ‘nice’ feelings, under how you think you feel or are supposed to feel. How you really feel and what you really believe is being broadcast from you 24 hours a day – and your life is your mirror of those feelings and beliefs.

Stop abdicating and own your thoughts, feelings – and power – now! Find out where you are still operating an outdated belief system, inherited from your parents or developed in past lives. Is it serving you?
Find out the truth about how you feel about your worthiness, your esteem, your talents, your finances, your abilities, your manifesting capabilities, your partner, your location, your children, your body. Go on, spend a few moments right now. How do you really feel? How you really feel is what will show up and what you will experience.
Own the truth of your feelings by taking responsibility for the fact that you and you alone developed this truth choice by choice by choice – then proceed to heal, act, create, look for signs and allow.

Remember, there is no judgment whatsoever: it’s just you and your judgment of yourself and others…. Whatever you judge gets repeated ad nauseum….

Now, I am not advocating creating and manifesting based upon egocentric desire whatsoever. That’s the past. I am, however, advocating creating and manifesting the new based upon Absolute Consciousness, Conscious Connection and Oneness. Yes. Absolutely. And, in order to do that you must completely move beyond that which is outdated within you.

Allow the month of January to help you to look into the various mirrors of your life and, with a clear mind and heart, truly see your judgments, your ignorance, your self-deception and self-abdication. Stay out of blame and judgment (that’s old stuff, too). This is simply about being conscious about your capacity to create with your thoughts, feelings and body. In becoming absolutely conscious, totally responsible, you are preparing a new, empowered foundation for your life, for the rest of the year and for the Journey to 2012. But you must first choose to see yourself totally so that you may ascend out of Abdication and Victimhood and take your place as an active, aware, conscious co-Creator, at the forefront of creating the New!

I wish you a glorious January of self-realisation and Absolute Consciousness. May Absolute Consciousness move unhindered through your mind, body, emotions and spirit. May you be truly sovereign unto yourself! May you manifest and experience Joy upon Joy as a sublime co-Creator!
The exhilarating energies of the Fifth Day impel us to come forward to shine our Light, unhindered, and to embrace Sacred Love as our own vibrational signatures. Let go, let go, let go your past and your past frames of reference. Choose to be totally responsible for your results and adjust yourself accordingly. Move forward, don’t look back, have fun!

Blessings and Peace,

Fatima Bacot
Diamond Consciousness

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Embracing & Navigating the Emerging Consciousness

I was re-visiting Carlos Castaneda’s writings the other day….

Carlos Castaneda was an American anthropologist who met a powerful shaman – or medicine man – called Don Juan Matus in 1960 whilst conducting anthropological field work along the US-Mexico border. He subsequently became Don Juan’s pupil and later went on to write a number of bestselling books based on Don Juan’s teachings that have since been translated into 17 languages. Under the tutelage of Don Juan Matus, he learned about Three Forms of Attention:

The First Attention is culturally conditioned and confined to the world of our five senses.

The Second Attention orders the world of the unknown – that is, that which is beyond the limitations of our five senses.

The Third Attention integrates the first two, enabling us to access that which is otherwise unknowable.

It struck me how relevant such definitions were with respect to Transformation and the growing quest for Freedom these days.

We are living during transformational, exhilarating times. Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and weather pattern reversals are escalating; prescriptions for anti-depressants are at an all-time high; and longterm drought, water shortages, pollution, and species extinction are all too common. The sun, too, is demonstrating all manner of unusual activity, affecting not only weather, but human behavioural patterns also.

Yes, the Energies of Transformation are intense at this time. And amidst the chaos and the mismanagement of our resources, the Earth and each other, the US$70B worldwide Personal Development Industry is growing exponentially. Interest grows daily in mysticism, alternative healing, personal development, corporate spirituality, prosperity consciousness, Angels, crop circles and sacred sites.

Indigenous peoples such as Mayans, the Hopis, Aztecs, Maoris and the Incas, and the ancient calendars of the Egyptians, Tibetans and Hindus, as well as leading-edge Personal Development Leaders, Visionaries and Mystics, say we are moving towards an endtime known as 2012. The end of the world as we know it. They say we have the potential to move into a Golden Age of Multidimensional Consciousness, if we so choose. Beyond the limitations of dominant First Attention focus. It is a time filled with possibility.

Correspondingly, we are in the midst of a major housecleaning of all the thoughts, emotions and identities that have limited us. We are required to let go of that which no longer serves us or the evolutionary dynamic. We are quite literally witnesses and participants in the crossing from an old order into a new one. We are part of the Emerging Consciousness, and the signs are everywhere.

Quantum Physicists are making major contributions at this time, telling us that the subatomic energy fields which surround us respond to our feelings, thoughts and focus. What’s more, numerous, possible realities exist in any one moment! This is exhilarating information! It means that we contain, within us, immense power to become conscious, deliberate Architects of Reality.

Russian DNA Researchers have discovered that DNA not only constructs our bodies, but it actually follows the syntax, semantics and rules of all human language. By using the correct language, thoughts and emotions, we can affect the DNA waves and therefore the genetic data itself. This has been substantiated at the Institute of HeartMath where DNA tests revealed that DNA strands all changed in shape according to the feelings of the researchers.

Energy Healers worldwide talk about activating the DNA. They say we are moving away from being only 2-DNA-stranded human beings, obsessed with survival and the accumulation of material goods – into multidimensional beings of limitless expression!

In a nutshell, we are powerful. Our thoughts and our feelings have documentable effects upon the subatomic world and our DNA. Whether we have 2 strands, 12 or more (as some Energy Healers say), and whether or not we understand the subatomic world, each one of us can alter reality by changing focus, emotional output and our thoughts. Radically, if we so choose.

Scientists are also saying, however, that although 400 billion bits of information per second are carried through frequencies around us, our brains are decoding only 2000 bits of those 400 billion bits. We perceive with our senses only a fraction of that which is available to be perceived and experienced. Less than 1%, in fact. We have been quite literally boxed into the world of the First Attention.

So just how do we move into Third Attention Territory? How do we navigate the current changes, and the larger ones yet to come as systems and infrastructures alter – and embrace the potential of 2012? How do we decode more than just 2000 bits per second so that we can choose our thoughts wisely and create realities for our highest good and the highest good of others?

1. Take total personal responsibility. Playing the victim in any area of life leads to abdication and powerlessness. You create reality. Your reality is the perfect, exact mirror of your thoughts and what you consistently focus upon. You are creating your reality all the time. All the time.

2. Ask yourself key questions. ‘Why have I drawn this circumstance? What can I learn? What do I need to change about myself?’ In so doing, you exit the ‘2000-bits-box’ and tap into the multidimensional potential of the other 400 billion bits per second. The realm of the Third Attention.

3. Be fully conscious of your focus. 80% of our self-talk is negative! Stop what you are doing often and check in with yourself. Change your focus if need be.

4. Learn to maintain sustained focus. Scientists also tell us that we are able to sustain focus for only 6-8 seconds per minute. We lose focus up to 10 times per minute. Definitely a scatter-gun approach to creating reality! Spend time each day focusing consistently upon a result or feeling you would like to have more of.

5. Learn how to generate feelings of appreciation, gratitude, bliss, joy and happiness at will. These are very powerful states and have corresponding effects upon your DNA, the subatomic field – and therefore your reality. Regularly bring to mind memories or people or circumstances that induce those particular feelings. Hold the feeling, then focus on what you want to experience.

6. Take consistent action in the form of books, cd’s, seminars, coaching, healing, affirmation, meditation and visualization to release sabotage and re-program what may be a mindset based on limitation. Learn to find your Centre. Operate and create reality from That.

7. Finally, get out of the way and allow the Universe to move the chess pieces around…. Oftentimes we set intentions in motion, then with our doubts we sabotage the process…. Remember: doubts create reality, too, just not the reality you want!

This is an exciting time to be present on the Earth. A time long-prophesied and long-anticipated. The power is truly within you as to how you want to experience its potential. Choose wisely! Every thought you think, every emotion you feel is creating your reality. Right here, right now. And right here, and right now. And right here, and right now….

Fatima Bacot
Diamond Consciousness

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Diamond Consciousness

Welcome, Friends, to Diamond Consciousness!

As humanity exits the Mayan 4th World and moves into the 5th, we are living during the prophesied days of both breakdown and breakthrough. We straddle an old paradigm that has long-outlived its usefulness, and a New Paradigm increasingly emerging that is aligned with the principles of Global Peace, Love, Unity and Galactic Synchronisation. This is the time of the Crossing, of the Great Shift of the Ages.

Diamond Consciousness is a portal that presents

...prophecy, prediction, quantum physics, spirituality, neurobiology, cosmology, astrology, politics, music, poetry, solar and earth changes to facilitate ecstatic Union with the Divine and to broadcast a Vision and Vibration of Transformation, Peace, LOVE and Galactic Synchronisation during these days of critical change.

In the words of Terence McKenna:

Our planet is on a collision course with something that we, at our present state of knowledge, don’t have a word for. We are soon to be sucked into the body of eternity. My model points to 11:18 AM, Greenwich Mean Time, December 21, 2012 AD.

We are living in the days long-heralded by Indigenous Peoples worldwide, as well as given by the Great Avatars and Mystics of old, and the visionaries in our present day. The signs of change are everywhere, and both revolution and evolution walk hand in hand.

Between now and 2012 we have an opportunity to choose Global Peace, Love, Unity and Galactic Synchronisation – and to take our places as multidimensional, responsible caretakers of the Earth and of one another once more, as One. We have an opportunity to see that we don't create in a vacuum: that every word and every feeling we broadcast has an effect upon the collective. We are all connected.

Humanity has the opportunity to decide its own fate, based upon the individual and consensual choices it makes right now to embrace LOVE and the Truth of our Divine Origins.

And certainly, as Einstein famously said:

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.

And he was right.

The various Programs, Services and Products available on this website aim to facilitate Diamond Consciousness:

… a pristine, laser-like, multi-faceted level of awareness that sees everything and in which all points of view are integrated in one perspective for maximum impact. So that the mind-body-spirit and emotions are perfectly integrated and centrifugally coordinated as one resonant, harmonious unit in time and space. With this level of awareness and presence, there is no wastage of energy or focus, one navigates life effortlessly, and all actions are in perfect harmony with the whole. All that is needed manifests precisely at the moment it is needed for the Highest Good of all.

Essentially, Diamond Consciousness is a state of Perfect Alignment with Source, which you are. It is about developing a pristine, discerning internal radar that helps you navigate this Shift. It is about remembering your Brilliance, your Freedom, your Radiance, your Power, your Truth and LOVE. It is about being the master of your thoughts, your words, your languaging, your emotions. It is precisely these that will determine your individual destiny, as well as the destiny of humanity in this prophesied timeframe. It is these that will determine how well you navigate. These that will determine which world you will choose to live in by the vibrations that you broadcast. It is about recognising your Oneness with all that exists.

More specifically still, the Diamond Consciousness Website:

Upholds the creation of a Planetary Society based upon Global Peace, Harmony, Creativity, Oneness, Unity and LOVE

Supports Galactic Synchronisation by 2012

Supports the Peaceful, definitive departure from tyranny, fear, destruction and control in all its nefarious forms via the Powers of Thought and Intent, coordinated Group Effort and the all-conquering Power of LOVE

Helps coordinate and maintain pulsating, multidimensional lightgrids of enormous power and intent to radiate ongoing LOVE into the global networks dedicated to Global Peace, Love and Unity

Puts first the Sacred Worldview of our connection to the Earth, one another and to the Divine – and makes a stand for what is acceptable behaviour for our children and those yet to be born

Facilitates the waking up out of the Illusion of Separation and reminds us of our Divinity, our Power and our Limitlessness as Luminous Beings of Eternal Love and Light

Provides a virtual meeting place for free-thinkers, writers, artists, politicians, musicians, poets, activists, futurists, healers, scientists and environmentalists to strategise, create and navigate in the limitless fields of quantum possibility of the New Paradigm

Upholds the tenets of the Greater Remembrance:
We are One
All is One
LOVE is the key
LOVE conquers all

These are the days we have long awaited. We are One! Let us dance this most exhilarating of dances, just as we planned, for our good and for the Highest Good of all! I look forward to our Journey together!

In Lakech,
Fatima Bacot

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